Tuesday, May 6, 2008

We all want a better world for our children. I’m not sure how much of the global warming can be reversed in my life time. So as responsible parents one of things to do, while raising our children is to educate them about better choices of using the natural resources of our planet.

One of the very important means of communication today is the web and it is a very integrated part of our children’s lifestyles. Introducing Eco friendly choices over the web could be a fun activity for parents as well as children.

At the PBS Kids Eeko World ( Environmental Education for Kids Online), www.EekoWorld.org, kids ages 6 through 9 can explore environmental issues by participating in two games. In one called Eeko Creature, kids design their own animal by combining body parts from real-world creatures. Kids can choose whether their creature lives in the air, land or water. Once you have created your Eeko creature, you can release him within the interactive environment of Eeko World. For example if you created a land animal combining a frog and a lion, you have the option of releasing him anywhere in the world. Once you have released your animal in the Eeko world you can interact with the new home of your animal. You will be asked to choose from options like what to do you think about building a subway? Depending on the answer the user earns point and there is a little bit of information about each option.

The other interactive game is called the Eeko House. In this game you get 10 minutes to go through a house and a yard and find ways to help the environment. If you make a choice that is environment friendly you earn points for it. Amongst other things kids learn to turn the water off while brushing their teeth, to close the blinds on hot days to keep the heat out and that front loading machines are more energy efficient than top loading ones.

Besides these two games, there is information on different kinds of environment like tundra or the forest, recycling, about air and water, endangered plants and animals species and the future of our planet. There is an option called Eeko Exchange where kids can give their feedback about the website and one can read feed backs of other kids.All the information is presented with a voice-over so pre-readers can learn, too!

WWW.EekoWorld.Org is a cool web site for not only our children but the whole family.

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